गुरुवार, 26 जनवरी 2012

My little opinion on this pious day. :)

Hmm, once again  this pious day has come when we think of our nation, and thins thing leaves many questions behind, like why only one day we need to remember our glorious past? Though we need not live our life in the past as that is already gone nor in future which is yet to come but still while living in the present we must not forget our past struggles and those who fought for us and for our peaceful life, the free air in which we are breathing, because of whom we have our identity, we can sleep without fear, we can speak whatever we want, we are possessing so many rights, because if we will forget our roots them we will no more be able to live a happy and prosperous life nor will be able to grow and will be bound to fall like a rootless tree. Again there is no obligation if you don't want to give credit to any body for your peaceful life, its okay you can fall down happily no body cares but after falling down please don't be hurdle in others' way.

Why we think that we are showing pity for the successors of our freedom fighters by remembering their ancestors, as they are poor and we have  money to buy every thing under the sky?
If you also think like that then stop it and please remember, that we have nothing to show pity about rather they have as they have their glorious history and self respect about which they can always feel proud and what ever we are today, because of their ancestors' contribution, might be there were our ancestors' contribution involved as well but still we need to respect every body or every mankind as they are to part of our human family and we know their contribution and struggles so we should respect them and give them their forgotten honor which they deserve being successors of our great leaders.

Don't know why Lt. Ram Prasad Bismilla's grand son faced too much difficulty to get admission in a University for higher studies, just because he is economically backward, why Lt. Uddham Singh's grand sons are illiterate and bound to carry stones and bricks, and why similar is the situation with generations of other freedom fighters that they are still bound to struggle with poverty and political negligence, how can we forget their contribution so easily, when it all happened not more than 62 years when we ‘the people of India’ got our own constitution which declared our country as Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic India, where there is no discrimination prevails and we promises to secure justice, liberty, equality and fraternity assuring the dignity of individual and the unity and integrity of the nation, also not more than 65 years when we got freedom because of the struggle of our forgotten beloved ones.

But, its really a cruel truth that their dream India is going in the other direction and no one is there to serve their beloved Mother Land as no Indian exists here all are either Hindu/ Muslim/ Sikkh/ Isai or Bangali/ Gujarati/ Kananr/ Kasmiri/ Punjabi/ Marathi/ Malyali/ Tamil/ Telugu or we can say a divided group of confused people which has lost its unique identity, and where no one understands one’s responsibility rater they know very well how to loot their own home/ family members, where the feeling of humanity is either all over lost or those who possess it are not in position to raise their voice and bound to face troubles.

Today, on this 63rd Republic Day of India, during the celebrations in our university, there was a question asked i.e. What is the biggest threat to the Indian democracy?
Some said poverty, illiteracy, others said corruption, I too replied the same as lack of unity is the threat, but I am still not satisfied with the answer as I could not explain the thing what I actually wanted to say, so I just hope that I will be able to convey it to you here, J.
Well I think that all the above mentioned things are indirect threats to the Indian democracy, but the real threat is that of our thinking i.e. the threat of the youth, which is going in the wrong direction and reasons of that thinking, can be poverty/ corruption/ lack of our values/ lack of unity/ illiteracy/ lack of the feeling of responsibility etc. We are lacking the feeling of responsibility or failing to understand our duties towards our nation, which we can see in many ways, like we never think of the farmer who is working harder and harder day and night to grow grains for us so that we can live happily; we never bother about the soldier who is not sleeping 24x7 so that we can sleep safely, but have you ever thought that why we all do so and many think that its their job so they are bound to do so, noooooooooo this is not only their job it is easier to say when we look at the things from outside, think of the day when no one will be ready to be a farmer or a soldier, what will we do that day, what will be our situation on that day? We never think of all these things because we are so self- centered that when somebody tries to pull us out of this circle we pull her/him back and get back to our earlier situation like a rubber. But, this attitude wont serve our purpose, though we might get narrow achievements but long term goals cannot be achieved unless we work and walk together and that we can be able to do only when we think of and ready to fulfill our responsibilities towards our own beloved nation, along with people like workers who are nation builders and the farmers and the soldiers who are life saviors.  

So please come together to prove once again that we all are Indians who have unity in diversity, and our heroes are not the political leaders or the movie actors rather our real heroes are the Farmers and the Soldiers. 

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